Title: Arial 12, CAPITAL LETTER, lower case and bold. One space between lines, justified, in Spanish and English.
Authors: Arial 11 justified. To point out author for contact with an asterisk (*).
Institution data: Arial 11 justified, full name should be included, address and e-mail.
Abstract characteristics:
- Should be written in Spanish and English.
- Text in Arial 11.
- Up to 300 words.
- Letter type (21.59 x 29.7 cm).
- All margins 2.5 cm.
- One space and a half between lines.
- The content should include: brief reference to the theme treated in the work, problematic to be solved, objectives, brief description of the methods used, results and conclusions.
- To include three to five keywords at the end of each abstract.
- Try to avoid phrases such as: …the results are discussed …results are presented in the work, etc.